Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe
Everything is better by the lake.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New paint and trim!

New trim and paint at the cabin. The new paint really brightens things up a bit. Here I am in the former dark hallway nailing in the new cedar trim. The hallway and the bedroom got a matching coat of paint, "celery".
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Sunday, October 04, 2009

First Snow!

I came up to Tahoe for a whirlwind trip of painting, trimwork, and yard work (of course interdispersed with some running and biking) before winter sets in and the first snow falls. Well, Daisy and I got a little surprise - it snowed! It changes my outdoor plans a bit...I don't like to ride with frozen toes and fingers. Daisy will like that, as now a run through the snow is in order. Snow the first few days of October - hopefully that means a snowy winter. We need it!
Pray for snow!

Daisy couldn't wait to go out in the morning

It started snowing after 10pm